Updating the Twitter/𝕏 Icon in Font Awesome 4

If you’re managing an older website running Font Awesome 4, you might be asked to swap out the Twitter icon for the new X / 𝕏 symbol. Personally, I wasn’t in the mood to pull down an entire site, dig up the build process, replace FA4 with a newer version, etc. Instead, I jumped into the WordPress Customizer and added a few lines of CSS.

This should work pretty well, but you might also mess around with the font size and weight a little bit if it looks weird next to the other icons. Is the “𝕏” glyph actually the new Twitter logo? I guess?


30 responses to “Updating the Twitter/𝕏 Icon in Font Awesome 4”

  1. Susan Docker Avatar

    You Rock! Thanks so much for posting this. You saved me a bunch of time.

    1. Brian Coords Avatar
      Brian Coords


  2. Kristian Polso Avatar

    Big thanks from me too! Did not feel like updating the legacy site’s fonts just because of Twitter

  3. CJ Avatar

    Thanks Brian! I am also ‘not in the mood’.

    Excellent contribution. Have a great day!


  4. Tony Lush Avatar
    Tony Lush

    Pretty close, except for the serifs, which the X logo does not have. Shucks.

    1. Brian Coords Avatar
      Brian Coords

      If you set it to load in a ‘sans-serif’ font (even the system default), it should be fine. To be fair, I’ve only tested on a Mac/iOS and not Windows.

  5. Mosiah Avatar

    Thanks very much!

  6. Joe Avatar

    Exactly what I needed too, thanks.

    If you want the exact icon you can also load the .svg downloaded from FA in the content instead of the glyph:

    content: url(‘path/to/x-twitter.svg’);

    Adjust size with height/width instead of font-size and change the colour with filter (generated with https://codepen.io/sosuke/pen/Pjoqqp):

    filter: invert(100%) sepia(95%) saturate(19%) hue-rotate(320deg) brightness(103%) contrast(100%); /* white */

    1. Brian Coords Avatar
      Brian Coords

      Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Ben Avatar

    Woohoo! what a hack! Thanks!

  8. ghostx Avatar

    You are the best!!! super hack

  9. Emily Avatar

    I looked for hours, this is amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Dee Catch Avatar
    Dee Catch

    Thanks! Updated the phpBB ShareOn plugin to contain:

    .twitter-button {
    color: white;
    background: black;

    .twitter-button:before {
    font-family: “sans-serif”;
    content: “”;

    .twitter-button:hover {
    color: black;
    background: white;

    And looks good to me.

  11. Akussung Kenneth Avatar
    Akussung Kenneth


  12. IoanaG Avatar

    I replaced this in the font awesome .css files:


    And worked brilliantly. Based on your solution.

  13. Jennifer German Avatar

    Perfect, thank you so much!

  14. Andy Avatar

    thanks man

  15. Olumide Olumoroti Avatar

    Thanks!!! God bless you!!!

  16. Suhebat Avatar

    Thank you so much! This helps me alot.

  17. Archana Patel, India Avatar
    Archana Patel, India

    Brian, you are great! Thanks so much for posting this. You saved my lots of efforts & time. Big thank you.

  18. Maram Naser Avatar
    Maram Naser

    Thank you

  19. Christy Avatar

    You are awesome sir – this worked perfectly thank you so much.

  20. Mohammed Avatar

    Thank You

  21. Besso Avatar

    Thanks a lot mate. You rock!

  22. Ken Avatar

    Brian, my dude *fist bump*

  23. Len Avatar

    Great Hack – been annoying me for ages. Shame it took me so long to find 🙂

  24. Mano Avatar

    Hello, do you have this Squarespace format by chance? Thanks!

    1. Brian Coords Avatar
      Brian Coords

      No unfortunately I don’t have any Squarespace experience.

  25. Erika Avatar

    Gracias, si funciona!, yo solo debemos de revisar bien para adaptarlo a nuestro css.

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