Things have felt very… interesting in WordPressland the last few months.
Apart from a pair of posts covering all the WP/WP Engine drama (here and here), it’s been hard to talk about WordPress, hard to stay optimistic, hard to focus on the future. There was only one good way to get myself out of that funk: talk to good people!
I’m introducing a series of interviews on YouTube, focused heavily on the future- something some of us like to call “Modern WordPress”. I’ve already recorded a few of them, and have even more interviews lined up. Core contributors, product owners, and agency builders- individuals with a real stake in the future of our beloved CMS.
As a ground rule, these interviews will not cover any specific “drama” or legal battles raging in the background, though if you want to hear my take on it, I’ve had a few conversations over on The WP Minute (here and here).
I’m still toying with an overall name for the series (ChatGPT recommended calling it “Block Party” ), but I’m leaning towards “The Future of WordPress” (which I can’t actually use, thanks trademark battles!).
The first interview drops today on YouTube: Mike McAlister and I talk about Ollie, Site Editing, designers vs developers, responsive controls, the value of Patterns, and more. Mike is a guy who is very much in the weeds trying to build on top of the future of WordPress, so I think you’ll learn a lot.

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