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    Neil, Joe, and Daniel – Thoughts on the Spotify Podcast Ecosystem

    The wild west days are coming to an end and podcasts in Spotify are going to function a lot more like Facebook than the open web.

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    Staying Socialized

    One of the common concerns of homeschooling we often hear is that kids need to be socialized. But socialization is public schools is only one specific type of socialization.

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    How to Enqueue JavaScript for a Shortcode

    One of the top questions I get is how to add JavaScript for your shortcode the right way without affecting pagespeed.

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    On Basecamp and Banned Speech

    There’s a saying about being the president: if the problem landing on the president’s desk were easy to solve, it wouldn’t have made it to the president’s desk. In the new social landscape, we’re all the president of our own little social world. We’re all faced with way too many outrageous occasions that beg our…

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    How To Be Wrong

    This morning one of my daughters was wrong. Shocking, I know, but it happens from time to time. Our girls have been learning some simple ASL (American Sign Language) through YouTube videos. Our four-year-old, Maeve, who can sing her ABCs but not identify most of the letters yet, has made it from A to C…

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    Roosevelt on Parenting

    From Morris’s Roosevelt biography, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, came this quote: …the highest idea of the family is attainable only where the father and mother stand to each other as lovers and friends. In these homes the children are bound to the father and mother by ties of love, respect, and obedience, which are…

  • Quidditch as Self-Directed Sports Education

    My daughter, who currently goes by the name Hermione Granger, has brought Harry Potter fandom to a fever pitch in our house. While reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to her, I was struck by how foreign many of the underlying concepts of quidditch at Hogwarts felt to me. If you haven’t engaged…

  • On Watching Our Daughter Teach Herself to Read

    One of the hardest mental hurdles in self-directed education is the idea that you don’t sit down with the purpose of teaching your kids to read– not unless they explicitly ask for it. You don’t require daily reading lessons, and you never ask the question, “Is my child reading at grade level yet?” Of course…

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    How Many Podcasts Do We Need?

    The ongoing joke starting somewhere around 2018 is that everyone has a podcast. With the move towards ‘shelter-in-place’ rules the past few weeks, that maxim has only proven more true with more friends and relatives grabbing a microphone to unload their point of view. My cynicism has been grappling with how to feel about this,…

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    Finding Yourself vs Creating Yourself

    There’s a moment in Scorcese’s Bob Dylan docu-fantasy for Netflix, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story, where Bob Dylan is asked about the idea of “finding yourself”. His answer, excerpted below, is probably the most insightful moment of the film, and if the film were an essay, would stand as its thesis statement. Life…